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  1. Marina K. Villatoro
    February 8, 2012 @ 3:03 pm

    Truly super video! I love the goodness that people have, we don’t see it enough lately.


  2. Sojourner Marable Grimmett
    February 8, 2012 @ 5:20 pm

    Love, Love, Love!


  3. Andi
    February 9, 2012 @ 1:13 am

    I cried through this video! What a blessing to see others who care so much and understand that no matter what shape your body is in, you’re still a human who loves to have a good time. Thanks for sharing!


  4. Desiree
    February 9, 2012 @ 2:29 am

    Andi…you are so wise. Marina…this is the kind of facility that turns my idea of a hospital on its head… and Sojourner–I love it, too!


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