Gale of The Hunger Games–#WordlessWednesday
Um. Yeah. Totally speechless here. This hottie, Liam Hemsworth of Australia, plays Gale in the soon-to-be released Hunger Games movie. I got to meet him on the red carpet at the Atlanta mall tour promotional stop. The only thing better than looking at him is listening to him. Still speechless. Sigh. #WordlessWednesday (Note to readers: in the video below, he was asked how he reacted when he heard he got the part, but before he could answer a teen from the crowd yelled out to ask if he would take her to the prom. Enjoy his response!)
[hana-code-insert name=’Liam Hungry Games’ /]
Marina at My Busy Children
March 7, 2012 @ 4:54 pm
Thats too funny about the response. Lucky her!