Like the Way Those Olympic Athletes Look? A Book to Help You Do It, Too
I’ve been making fun of myself the past couple nights for staring a little more longingly than I should at the Olympic athletes’ bodies, especially those swimmers who stand in front of the camera bare-chested and out of breath.
I’m such a sucker for those strong arms. I know, I know, they’re not much older than my son. I get that it’s not appropriate, but there is no harm in showing my appreciation for all of their hard work in getting as physically fit as any human can be.
Then I eat another Laffy Taffy. And I think, as I chew it, that I know better than this.
I know if I want to look anything close to being fit then I need to do better…not just with what I eat, but with my activities. And that’s exactly the point Dr. Douglas Graham makes in his books designed to get people into tip-top physical condition. Dr. Graham is a living legend in the world of health and fitness, a resource for many athletes through the years. As the founder of FoodnSport and the author of the wildly popular “The 80/10/10 Diet”, Dr. Graham promotes an entire healthy lifestyle through fitness, mental well-being and a raw vegan diet.
Dr. Graham is currently training five athletes who are hopefuls for the 2016 Olympics. My goals aren’t that lofty, but it’s nice to know I have access to the same expert advice. Check out the book and its tips—simple, easy to follow advice that truly does make sense—if you, like me, want to do more than just admire the toned bodies you see competing in the Olympics (yes, especially those swimmers!).