‘This Love is Forever’ Children’s Book on Divorce
(Note to readers: I was compensated to review this book. My opinion remains my own and I assure you I wouldn’t recommend you buy something I wouldn’t pay my own hard-earned money for, too. #spon)
We all know adults can really mess things up sometimes, but often, it’s the children who end up hurting when that thing we mess up is our marriage.
It doesn’t matter why the marriage may be falling apart… infidelity, loss of interest, simply growing apart. The kids really don’t care…or even need to know the why.
They just know their world is turned upside down and, quite often, they feel responsible.
They may even wonder if, well, if you stopped loving each other, will you stop loving them?
That’s how kids’ minds work…and that’s why I think the book ‘This Love is Forever’ should be a must-read for all parents going through a divorce. It’s a children’s book written by Mavis Prall Cohen and illustrated by her own daughter (who also did a magnificent job).
It was sent to me to review recently and I can imagine it will start appearing in therapists’ offices soon. It gets right to the heart of the matter—a child’s heart—and letting them know that they will always be loved, no matter what happens to the love between their mother and father.
What message could be more important than that?
If you know a child who could use it, you can order it through this Amazon link.