Time for Hot Toys of 2013 from The Toy Insider
Want to know all about this season’s hottest toys? Toy Insider’s Laurie Schacht partnered with Woman’s Day Magazine to compile a list of the top 20 and recently hosted an event where I was able to play with each one, putting them to the parenting test, trying to get inside my children’s minds to figure out if they’d agree with whether these were the must-haves.
My oldest kids (19 and 16) wouldn’t be interested in much of what was at the event. They want a PS4 and nothing else.
But I think my girls (15 and 8) would enjoy many of the toys that were on display. Here’s a complete rundown of Hot 20 Toys that we got to play with (or click here for a link to each item).
See something that someone you love would like for the holidays? You can win many of them on Twitter each day through giveaways hosted daily (Mon-Fri) by The Toy Insider through December 20, 2013. You can find out more about that by clicking here.
They’ll be using #tweets4toys and @thetoyinsider. Good luck!