Mom’s Night Out Movie: Why We NEED a Night Out (#NMNO14 #MNOMovie)
Being a mom is incredibly rewarding, but also incredibly draining. Between third grade spelling tests and college final exams, I’m always worried about how my kids are doing educationally…and that’s not to mention the extracurricular stuff like gymnastics and band. Or how to pay for it all. There’s only so much gas in the tank and sometimes, I need to refuel.
In this video, my friends Lorraine Robertson (RunWifeyRun) and Sue Rodman (FieldtripswithSue) join me to explain why we need a Mom’s Night Out, like the one they enjoy in the movie of the same name. Our friend Maria Bailey (MomTV) actually created a National Mom’s Nite Out to create one night a year for moms to celebrate motherhood with each other. It’s held on the Thursday before Mother’s Day each year and more than 11 million moms now celebrate! This year, the event partners with Affirm Films (a division of Sony Pictures) on the release of Moms’ Night Out. Moms will be able to celebrate National Mom’s Nite Out on May 8th and then take the family to see Moms’ Night Out the movie on May 9th! (And if you want to see why Maria celebrates, watch her video here.)
Once you’re done watching our videos, please comment below and let me know why YOU need a Mom’s Night Out, too.
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