What’s Next? Portugal with Personal Coach Karen Grosz
(Note to readers: Today’s post is written by a special guest. Keep reading to understand why.)
Have you ever asked yourself what’s next and really meant it?
Did you reach down into your soul and realize this can’t be it? There must be more. I did that when I was twenty-eight, and the life I lived then, the one I could have lived for another sixty years, is not the one I am living today. I did it again when I was forty-six and started my company, Canvas Creek Team Building. I asked myself that again this year. I’m sixty and do the work I am supposed to do. I get to love the man who is always and forever a gift to me, and I laugh a lot more than I cry. Still, I was becoming boring.
To me, boring is a fate worse than too-tight shoes. Boring, lazy, stuck in a rut and able to rattle off Netflix binges is not who I wanted to be, yet if I didn’t ask myself What’s Next and honestly examine the answer, that is what I was going to do for the rest of the year and this year would bleed into the next. A slow, boring seep of nothingness into nothingness. Egads, Gertrude, stop the madness.
So, here we are. I am Karen Grosz, a professional life and business coach, inviting you to sit with us in Lisbon, Portugal, and ask yourself (and really listen) my favorite question: What’s next? When I admitted that I didn’t want to sit on that couch, no matter how plentiful the ice cream, I leaned into my Next, the one that will take me into my golden years: international retreats and travel writing. I could not be more excited! Travel is not new to me; neither is coaching people into their Nexts. Combining them is.
Also, in full transparency, I didn’t have the wavelength to take on another big task or the knowledge needed to do it well. Enter What’s Next Serendipity. (More on this in Lisbon.) One day, while I was scrolling Facebook, which I do twice a day for about seven minutes, I saw a post from a new friend, a writer whose travel knowledge I admired (that would be the Desiree who’s blog you’re reading now), that proclaimed she was being forced into her Next. She wasn’t sure how to get there as she wasn’t planning this exact journey at this exact time. I sent her a copy of my book “What’s Next” and Bing Bang Boom; she launched her new business, Desiree Miller Travel Media, and invited me to coach you, our new friend, to help you find your next while sitting in Lisbon.
The world, my friend, is a wondrous place that wants you to have your Next and the one after that, too.
All you have to do is reach out and grab it. Open your mouth, close the wrong door, set the right path (this is important and something we will do together) and chase the Next you completely and utterly deserve.
We all have a belief, a god, the universe, a bluebird of happiness, or maybe serendipity that is waiting to fulfill the order we make for our Next. Now, sometimes that order comes a bit jumbled up, as Desiree’s did, and sometimes you feel like it’s one size too big, one size too small, or not quite the Next you had in mind. We’ll talk about this and much more in Lisbon; I just wanted you to know I care about you. I care about your Next and your journey to claim it. If you wish to blow up your whole life (seldom is this necessary) or just put down the remote, Desiree and I are here to help you answer your questions about What’s Next in a beautiful space with amazing people.
What’s Next? Lisbon. And then the next thing after that!