The Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop
Everybody has a story. And many of us want to share our story in a book. A funny one, if possible. I mean, why keep all that profound wisdom and creativity to yourself, right? Well, if you’re serious about being funny (or funny about being serious), then you’re going to […]
Empty Nester Travel Bender
After 29 years of raising kids, of taking care of the house, the children, pets, and other adults during certain phases of my life, I finally found myself “an empty nester”. And I have to admit, as much as I love my children, I was eagerly awaiting this new chapter […]
Erma Bombeck Takeaways: Write What’s Funny
The following is a collection of small essays from some of the people who connected at the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop held in Ohio recently. It’s compiled by Julia Roberts of Decoding Creative, and the first essay is from her. Enjoy! An unlikely hero, with an unassuming name, Erma Bombeck […]
Finding My Funny At the Erma Bombeck Conference
When you sign up for conferences, there are all kinds of motivations going into that decision. I originally signed up for the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop for two reasons. First, my very funny friend Kim-Marie registered, and posted on social media that this was a must-not-miss event. Second, my writing […]
My Emergency Contact
Recently single, I was feeling pretty alone in life. Sure, I had friends, but there’s a difference between having buddies to hang out with and having “your person”. Hitting my 50s without a plus-one wasn’t the plan I always dreamed of, but I was determined to make the most of […]