Feeling Stressed? Find a Drum Circle Fast!
Have you ever been part of a drum circle? Well, if the holidays have you feeling stressed, you should find one fast! Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a professional musician to get something out of it. I can’t read a note of music, but I can rock a drum circle!
I got to sit in on a huge drum circle last week during a national convention of music therapists that was being held in Atlanta. My son is considering a career as a music therapist so we took advantage of the good fortune of having the nation’s best right in our backyard and sat in on some of the music therapy sessions.
There was a quiet drum circle held first for those who practice in Conscious Drum Circles, something organized more and more often for large groups of people who have gone through major trauma, like the Virginia Tech School Shootings, or the earthquake in Japan.
At the same convention, there was a massive drum circle planned to connect the community, where at least 200 people jumped in on the music. The Grateful Dead’s percussionist Mickey Hart was scheduled to lead this up but ended up having to miss out because of an illness that wouldn’t allow him to fly to Atlanta. He was missed, but the circle was a hit anyway.
Drum circles have been scientifically proven to help people cope with stress. Beating on the drum helps release feelings and emotions that sometimes can’t come out in any other way. Following the rhythm of the circle leader, it’s easy to lose yourself in the music and simply “let go”. Eventually, you realize the beating of the drum can also be reflected in your heartbeat.
As I said, you don’t have to have any real musical talent. You have to be able to follow the leader. It’s tons of fun and some great stress relief. If you can’t get to a drum circle, just play this video and follow the guy in the center. Figure out if you want to be in the group to the left or right and when he points your way, drum along in as many beats as he instructs. You don’t even have to have real drums. Beat on a box if you have to, but tap along and feel your stress float away.
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