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  1. Rajean
    February 24, 2012 @ 5:40 am

    Hi Desiree,
    It so nice to meet you via #VlogMoms! First visit to your blog and I already like it. Love your tagline. You did a great job answering your first question with us. I’m new to vlogging, although I’ve been paid to be the spokesperson in my field of PR & Media Relations, I’m not used to doing the taping, editing, solo. I’ve got a lot to learn, but I’m loving it. And the questions? So far, they have really made me search for answers.

    I LOVE how mature your friend seemed to be in h.s. Telling you that you had moved her to tears being a good thing, profound and true. Inspiring. I’m sharing!


    • Desiree
      February 24, 2012 @ 5:54 am

      Thanks Rajean…I loved your response, too. Now that I’ve seen everyone’s post I have a better idea of what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m so glad to be included in this fun challenge each week, and to get to know each of you!


  2. Erin
    February 24, 2012 @ 7:54 pm

    What a great friend you had, to give you the courage you needed!


  3. julie/just precious
    February 29, 2012 @ 3:53 am

    Welcome to VlogMoms! Wow, what a turning moment in your life. And what an amazing friend to lift you like that and encourage you.


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