Get Extra Credit When You Return to the College Campus, #KmartBacktoSchool #ad
(Note to readers: This is a sponsored post. I am a Kmart blogger, though all opinions are my own. #KmartBacktoSchool, #ad)
My son just started his second year away at college and you’d think he would be more prepared than he was for the first year, but we still needed to stock up on a ton of stuff to make sure he was ready for campus life again. We learned last year when he was living in the dorm that students really do need some serious basics, including:
Dorm frig
Microwave and small appliances
Comfy chair
Shower caddy and supplies (flip-flops!)
Study Stuff (organizers, paper/folders, lap desk, etc)
Tech gadgets (smart phones are critical–how else will they call home for more money?)
Miscellaneous items to make it feel like home
He’s in an apartment this year and needed other things, like pots and pans, a TV, and more furnishings.
We discovered you can get all of this at Kmart as part of its Kmart Back to School event, and if you want a little shopping extra credit (teach your kiddo now that extra credit is a very good thing!), use the ShopYourWay Member benefits. They allow you to earn points on your back to campus purchases. What are you waiting for? Start shopping smart!