What is Twerking and How Do You Twerk?
Oh. My. Word. I only just heard the term ‘twerking’ (yeah, I’m feeling old), but in a 24 hour span, it popped up at least four times, so I had to dig a little deeper.
Maybe you already know what it is. And how to do it. Maybe you’re a master at the move.
But in case you’ve been in the dark, like me, it’s essentially a dance move where you move your butt. A lot. And you work your thighs. Oh, do you work those thighs. And I know my description probably has you just scratching your head, so I suggest you watch a video to truly understand what twerking is.
(The above picture shows Anastasia Ashley, a pro surfer, twerking as part of her warm up routine.) I googled it on youtube. And, of course, found a how to video for twerking.
I watched. And I tried. And I found I need a couple more videos before I really get it. I want to move my hips more than my bum. That appears to be a mistake. I don’t think you want to see the video of that (ok, I promise you don’t).
So, I’ll probably ask my kids to show me how it’s done. Odds are, they’ve mastered it months ago.
How about you? Are you ready to try twerking? If you have some tips for me, please leave them below. It gives me hope that if I can master twerking, I couldn’t possibly be as old as I feel these days.
August 12, 2013 @ 1:24 pm
I’m so glad I found this Desiree! I wasn’t sure what I was going to do in my spare time this week. 😉
Desiree Miller
August 12, 2013 @ 1:38 pm
oh yay! I’ll have a twerking buddy. let’s meet up and figure it out together. 🙂
August 12, 2013 @ 7:02 pm
I totally need a good bun workout. Thanks for the pop culture wake-up call – I was in the dark about it, too!