Waiting to Bloom Again
There’s a tree in my front yard that I was sure was dead last winter. We almost dug it out and tossed it, but I didn’t want to give up on it that easily. Surely, the warmer spring weather would make a difference, and maybe, just maybe, that little skeleton of a tree would make it.
Imagine my thrill when it gave us a few little blooms about a month later. Not a whole tree full, but enough to let me know it was trying to come back. Those blooms were like a little thank you to me for hanging in there with it, a promise of more to come.
Now, that tree is full of leaves and you wouldn’t know from looking at it these days that it was so close to being gone forever a few months ago.
Yes, I know, my little tree did what many do when they’re moved…it struggled to survive, even wilted for a while, but it has come back with a vengeance, ready to fill the world with its blooms over and over.
I’d like to think I’m a lot like that tree right now.
I was planted before, but struggled each day to bloom. It didn’t happen often. I felt like my leaves were falling day after day and my growth had stopped.
So, I made some changes. Dug myself out and, after careful consideration, planted myself again.
In the meantime, I watched friends going through similar issues find new places to grow, too. And now, I see them thriving, beautifully blooming all around me.
But I’m not there yet. I see a new leaf or two every now and then, but can’t help but wonder when I might see the ripe rewards of new growth that my friends are enjoying.
It fills me with doubt. Did I pick the wrong place to plant myself again? Maybe I’m not getting the right kind of nutrients to really blossom. Or, maybe I just need to be more patient. I want so badly to be strong again, to feel strong again.
A friend told me yesterday to let nature take its course, so to speak…to turn this over to a higher power and let that guide me. So, I’m trying, and waiting for a sign letting me know I’m where I’ll blossom best. And hoping that the right mixture of rain, sunshine and TLC finds its way to me until my roots are firmly planted forever, until I feel like that the tree in my front yard, ready to fill the world with my blooms, forever this time.