Share a Travel Photo for Chance to Win Motorola Droid Turbo (#VZWBuzz)
I have a collection of some of my favorite photos from my travels through the years. Sometimes, I pose in the picture. More often, I don’t. I like to take a photograph and let other people soak up the scenery, imagining themselves standing where I was when I snapped the shot.
Sometimes, I use my ‘good’ camera, the Canon 60D, but that can get heavy and I don’t always want to lug it around when I’m on the go, so I resort to my cell phone, an iPhone 6. It does the job well, but not as well as other phones on the market featuring better cameras. And that means I’m sometimes really disappointed by the images I can share. The quality may be poor because of bad lighting, or I couldn’t get close enough to the action, or the camera in the phone just didn’t measure up to what I needed. Sometimes, I miss it altogether because the phone battery died (this one really kills me).
But that shouldn’t happen with the Motorola Droid Turbo. First, the camera is 21MP and the video capture is 4K—that’s the standard they use when shooting movies! The intelligent imaging makes it all very simple. And the battery…well, it lasts 48 hours and has a turbo charge option. Know what I have to say about that? Hello, beautiful. Come to mama!
It’s a total bonus that it’s a phone, too, and I can post to my social media channels directly when I get a shot I want to share (like the one below–which I took on a trip to Puerto Vallarta and fell in love with the shadows of the palm trees reflected on the water)!
Bet you want one of these now, don’t you? I know I do.
Well, you can win one if you enter a contest I’m part of, along with my pal Lara at Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom, and a group of other favorite Wanderlusters who have teamed up with OM Media Group to let you know about Verizon’s Global Service and help you stay connected while wandering the globe, and make sure you never miss a shot.
All you have to do is share your favorite travel photo(s) on your favorite social media site with the hashtag #VZWBuzz for a chance to win (a Motorola Droid Turbo–valued at $499), and visit the Verizon Global site. Extra entries can be earned below.
Also, be sure to join @theonlinemom and the Verizon Wireless Buzz crew for some fabulous Twitter chats – every Friday at 3:00 p.m. eastern using the hashtag #VZWBuzz.
(Special Contest Terms: Valid to residents of the United States only. All photos must be original with no copyright or distribution restrictions. Photos remain the property of the entrant, who further agrees to give Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom, OMMedia Group, and participating bloggers permission for use solely in promoting this giveaway. Entries with nudity, violence or illegal activities will be deleted and the entry voided. Prize fulfillment will be completed by OMMG. No cash value or substitutions. Winner will be chosen by random number generation and announced within 48 hours of the contest end date (8/30/2015). Winner will be notified via email and has 72 hours to provide shipping information for the prize. If 72 hours lapses without contact, a new winner will be drawn.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway