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  1. Tips for Running a Company While Traveling the World | Traveling Mom
    June 7, 2013 @ 2:15 pm

    […] Traveling around the world is just another day ‘at the office’ for Marcia Miller, the CEO of Mud Pie, a clothing and gift line.  She is a world traveler who knows what it takes to get where she’s going, despite obstacles thrown in her way at every direction. A few years ago she survived an accident that would have sidelined others for good. She was run over by a dump truck. Several surgeries later, she’s still standing, and expanding her business. Sometimes, her commute crosses continents and stretches beyond 30 hours—EACH WAY!–and as you hear in this interview, sometimes comes with some serious kinks. She’s a survivor in every sense of the word, with a sense of humor, too.  She’s even come up with some cool products to help women on the road, including the cool case you see here for holding designer sunglasses and the pretty round purse below, perfect for wrapping your jewelry on the road.  And after you watch the video, check out some more of their amazing products by clicking here. […]


  2. Tips for Running a Company While Traveling the World - Traveling Mom
    June 25, 2015 @ 6:07 pm

    […] Traveling around the world is just another day ‘at the office’ for Marcia Miller, the CEO of Mud Pie, a clothing and gift line.  She is a world traveler who knows what it takes to get where she’s going, despite obstacles thrown in her way at every direction. A few years ago she survived an accident that would have sidelined others for good. She was run over by a dump truck. Several surgeries later, she’s still standing, and expanding her business. Sometimes, her commute crosses continents and stretches beyond 30 hours—EACH WAY!–and as you hear in this interview, sometimes comes with some serious kinks. She’s a survivor in every sense of the word, with a sense of humor, too.  She’s even come up with some cool products to help women on the road, including the cool case you see here for holding designer sunglasses and the pretty round purse below, perfect for wrapping your jewelry on the road.  And after you watch the video, check out some more of their amazing products by clicking here. […]


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