What Do You Want? This Life Coach Can Help
I always thought life would get easier as I grew older, but I’ve discovered quite the opposite to be true for me.
I was fortunate to be one of those people who knew at an early age exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I’ve made a career in broadcast news for the last two and a half decades, and had a pretty dreamy side hustle, too, as a travel writer. A marriage. Kids. I was, as they say, living the dream.
But there have been nightmares, too, and some of those have really shaken this spunky go-getter to my core. It’s taken weekly therapy to put me back together after some personal betrayals, and I’m only recently beginning to feel like myself again.
And, as luck would have it, just as that part of me gains my footing there, the job front has started to quiver. I am, at almost 50, considering an entire career change.
This is scary stuff.
So, when I was offered some time with a life coach to help me sift through what’s happening, where to go next, and what I want (that’s a harder question to answer than it should be), I jumped on the opportunity.
Enter Katherine Jansen (that’s her in the photo at the top). This is what you’ll see if you go to her web site’s life coach section:
When you’re taking on the next big step in life,
and you can use a little extra support, coaching is the answer.
Don’t wait and wonder if you can do it. Don’t live your life in the dark.
Have great big dreams, and reach them!
Heal. Dream. Live.
This gal was speaking my language, so I jumped on the line for an over-the-phone coaching session yesterday. The conversation felt very much like many I’ve had with close friends, recapping some of my highs and lows of the past few years, contemplating what “I want to be when I grow up”. I talked. She listened. She didn’t judge. I was surprised by the ease of it all, and it wasn’t until after we hung up that I realized the progress I made in our short time together. Before our call, I’d been asked by a very close friend what I wanted. I couldn’t answer. I had no idea what I wanted anymore. Now, after asking how my coaching session went, that same friend pointed out that for the first time I told him what I wanted. I FINALLY verbally expressed my wish for my future—and it came after the coaching.
The exact words: I no longer wanted to limp along.
Man, if that didn’t sum things up in a nice little ribbon.
That was my life for the past few years: someone surviving…happy to get through each day in one piece. That’s how damaged I was.
Now, carefully pieced back together, I know. I know I don’t want to be the victim. I don’t want to be the person things happened to. I want to be the person making things happen. I want to be the strong, confident woman I was before hell broke loose in my life. I want more. I want all of it. Everything I deserve. Job security. Safety in my personal relationships. A plan for my future.
And now, I can’t wait for my next call with Katherine, my coach, to get some guidance on building my pathway again.
And if you want help, maybe you should give her a call—or, better yet, visit her in person up at Shepherd’s Knoll Farm, where she holds her sessions for those who prefer face-to-face meetings.
And here’s a special deal: During the first two weeks of this month of gratitude and giving, Katherine is offering “November Days of Gratitude”-complimentary one-hour life coaching sessions for women going through difficult life challenges and transitions.
Just email katherine@shepherdsknoll.farm to schedule appointments.
And tell her I sent you!
For more information about Katherine, Shepherd’s Knoll Farm, her coaching services and books, visit www.shepherdsknoll.farm.